CLUB MENTOR: Mr. Aman Bajpai, Ms. Shardha Bajpai
THEATRE: Theatre is a building with a stage in it, on which plays, shows, and other performances take place. They may be alone, or in a group.
ACTING: Acting, the performing art in which movement, gesture, and intonation are used to realize a fictional character for the stage, for motion pictures, or for television.
Acting is generally agreed to be a matter less of mimicry, exhibitionism, or imitation than of the ability to react to imaginary stimuli.
.PUBLIC SPEAKING: Public speaking is important in both business, education, and the public arena. There are many benefits to public speaking whether you’re an individual or a business. Its also important for Students build Confidence
OBJECTIVE: To enhance the immense talent of our students. If they would get the chance to show their hidden talents, they can surely go to another level in Acting , theater and Public Speaking. They should get the appropriate platform to blow their talent & Confidence. We are primarily focusing on the Student Development.
1st Activity Date: 14/March/2020,Timing 2:30 Pm to 4:30 Pm
Dear Students
We are going to start club activity to encourage our students. All courses of both colleges to have ‘Club Time’ in last two hours of Saturday (from 2:25 Pm-4:25Pm) to start with.
VSGI encourages its students to become actively involved in club activities. The involvement of students in these activities can help them in gaining experience in technology, teamwork, leadership, organization and so on.
All the students must do their Registration in below link.