The purpose of the club is to create awareness of environmental issues, such as protection, conservation, preservation, and restoration, with an emphasis on educating and empowering students.
●Why Should I Join an Environmental
As a member of an Environmental Club, I can:
• Gain knowledge about the environment
• Perform actions to improve the campus environment,
• Help to solve local environmental problems
• Educate others about the environment
• Enjoy myself and have fun
• Learn about clubs, and how they should be organised and run
●What are environmental activities?
Definition: Activities which reduce or eliminate pressures on the environment and which aim at making more efficient use of natural resources.
● A clean environment is essential for healthy living. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among other problems and diseases. Water pollution can lead to typhoid, diarrheal diseases, and other water-related diseases. Therefore we should keep our environment clean and protected.
Dear Students
We are going to start club activity to encourage our students. All courses of both colleges to have ‘Club Time’ in last two hours of Saturday (from 2:25 Pm-4:25Pm) to start with.
VSGI encourages its students to become actively involved in club activities. The involvement of students in these activities can help them in gaining experience in technology, teamwork, leadership, organization and so on.
All the students must do their Registration in below link.