The Agriculture lab provides a wide range of testing programs for soils, water, plants, bio-solids, and other agricultural materials. … The lab offers comprehensive analyses of soil, water, plant tissue, manure, compost, and other agricultural materials.
Agricultural laboratories are considered a main component of secondary agricultural education, and are well suited to provide students with opportunities to develop problem–solving skills through experiential learning.
Prominent Agriculture Lab-
- Soil & Water Conservation Lab
- Irrigation and Drainage Lab
- Farm Machinery Lab
- Farm Power Lab
- Tractor and Power lab
- Food Engineering Lab
- Process Engineering Lab
- Agricultural Structures & Environmental Control Lab
- Dairy & Food Engineering Lab
Soil & Water Conservation Structure Lab (SWCS):
In the SWCS Lab, the students are exposed to the lab and field instruments. They analyze the Physical and Chemical properties of soil, In-situ measurement of soil moisture and density, Water quality testing and Modelling Hydrological System using the instruments like Infiltrometer, Self-recording rain gauge, Symons type rain gauge, Cone penetrometer, Speedy moisture meter, Soil Sampler, Sun Shine Recorder, Soil Testing kit, Permeability Apparatus, digital pH meter with Electrode, Micro pH meter with electrodes, Systronics S-C-T meter, Flame photometer with compressor, Sieve shaker, Reynolds apparatus collecting tank, Water bath, Magnetic Stirrer and Automatic weather station. Besides these instruments, the lab has a facility of Satellite image processing and GIS Software.
Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Lab (IDE):
The IDE Lab supports teaching, research and demonstration in irrigation water management. It can be used for research on water balance studies, irrigation and drainage methods, flow measurement and analysis, water lifting devices etc. The laboratory is fully-equipped with soil moisture monitoring equipment’s like Tensiometer, Pressure plate apparatus necessary for irrigation and drainage as well as for soil and crop studies. Laboratory includes mainly V-Notches, Rectangular Weir, Automatic water level stage Recorder, Parshall flume, Current meter, Irrigation pump components, Chain pump, Water meter, Drip irrigation system, Flow regulator valves, Sand filter, Pump, Monoblock Pump set, Pump 0.5 HP with starter fittings and pressure gauge, Tilting flume and Hydraulic bench.

Farm Machinery Lab (FM):
The FM Lab is one of the important laboratories of the Agricultural Engineering Department. It mainly includes the machinery for soil preparations, seed plantation, inter-cultural operations, plant protection, harvesting and threshing. The laboratory having tractor operated, power tiller operated, self-propelled, stationary engine operated, animal operated and manually operated equipment. The machineries are being used for practical classes as well as for research purposes. The cut-sections of different machinery are the beauty of laboratory which helps to explain the students of the different modules.

Farm Power Lab (FP):
FP lab has various source of farm power like tractors, power tillers, stationary engines and electric motors. The laboratory also has the cut-sections of tractor and stationary engine which helps in better understanding of the students. The various working models of the different systems of tractor like, fuel, clutch, gearbox, differential, steering, electric, etc is enhances the beauty of laboratory. Working model of bulldozer, scrapper, excavator, ditcher, grader and roller are also being used for conducting practical classes of earth moving machinery. Farm power laboratory has the facility to repair and maintenance of IC engines and tractor as a part of course curriculum. Laboratory has various instruments for testing and evaluation of tractors and power tillers in laboratory as well as field conditions. The setups for preparation and testing of bio-diesel are also available in the lab.

Food Process Engineering Lab (FPE):
FPE lab is well equipped with the facilities for conducting the lab experiments and for demonstration of different unit operations in agricultural processing for Diploma and B. Tech level students. Lab experiments like physical and chemical analysis of different food and grain products can be conducted by using soxhlet extraction heaters, flame photometer, muffle furnace, vacuum oven, infrared moisture meter, refractometer, Hair hygrometer etc. Different agricultural processing unit operations like drying, Parboiling, extrusion, puffing, rice processing, seed cleaning, Freezing, packaging can be demonstrated as well as experiments can be conducted with the existing facilities. The available facilities support to prepare Jam, Jelly, Pickles and different kinds of food products by fruits and vegetable.

Dairy & Food Engineering Lab (DFE):
DFE Lab is well equipped with machinery and measuring equipment related to milk processing. The major attraction of machineries in the laboratory is Mini milk processing plant, Bottle Filling Machine, Freeze Dryer, Cream Separator. The major equipment available in the laboratory are Milk Scanner, Water activity meter, IR moisture analyzer, Viscosity meter, Humidity meter and Air velocity meter. These facilities are used for practical class, project and research work of UG students and imparting the training to the farmers of surrounding village.