International Women’s Day 2020

Mother, Wife, Grandmother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Lover, Friend, College, Senior, Junior, Classmate…

Vision Group Salutes to all Women in our life!

We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.
I am a strong woman. I don’t sit around feeling sorry for myself, nor let people mistreat me. I don’t respond to people who dictate to me or try to bring me down. If I fall I will rise up even stronger because I am survivor and not a victim. I am in control of my life and there is nothing I can’t achieve.
Happy Women s Day!

Mrs Santosh Pandey

Vice Chairman, Vision Group

In the society, where unconscious gender bias is still dominant , the best way for women to achieve their dreams is by supporting rather than competing with each other. Alone a woman has power, together we have impact.
Happy Women s Day!

Rosy Pandey

Trustee and Member Management Committee, Vision Group

A women is strong enough to face her life. She always has a smile on her face through her struggles. She sacrifices for her loved once without a hint of remorse. There is sadness in her eyes but she does not tint. The best way to change a society with many underlying issues is to channelize the power of women in every walk of life.
Salute to all women and happy women’s to all!

Himani Gupta

Asst. Professor, Applied Science (Physics)

The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce. Women of indomitable will.
Applaud and appreciate the women in your life with sentimental and heart-winning women’s day !

Anupama Srivastava

Placement Officer & Faculty CS Department

Dear women,
It is not enough just to worship you; You should Know your worth because you are the only creature in the society who plays the most important role in everyone’s life since birth.
             In today’s time there is no area where you have not waved your success, So Go ahead, identify yourself, show your enthusiasm and let the people know, who you are. You are the creator of your future, your decision is not in someone else’s hand but only in yours. Make your life a masterpiece.
A salute to all the Women in the world. Happy International Women’s Day 2020.

Priyanka Tiwari

Asst. Professor, CS Department

“When you respect her, she is the wind that keeps you secure and comfortable.
When you hurt her, she is the storm that ruins everything that is in her way”
Happy International Women’s Day 2020.

Neetu Verma

Faculty CS Department

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women..”
#IWD2020 #EachforEqual

Shivani Mishra

Faculty EN Department

Lets Empower Men on this women’s day

When women are changing, men ought to change or prepare themselves for the change. In an evolving world girls / women are changing… boys/men need to change too…

For at least two generations now – especially in urban India and educated middle-class families – we have raised our girls to be confident and fight for their rights. But we seem to have ignored an entire generation of boys who were not told anything about how their sisters were changing. 

While we gave our daughters new ideals and role models, no one bothered to tell their brothers that they ought to change too!

Girls drive two-wheeler and cars. It is considered an essential life skill. However, boys were never taught that cooking is an essential life skill. You don’t see parents proudly saying that their son can cook and doesn’t need a mother / wife / sister to feed him.

We don’t tell our sons that it is okay for them to be paid less than their wives or stay at home to take care of the kids while their spouses continue to work. Men want to marry a working woman (in theory) but are completely unprepared for the practical reality of a marriage where both partners work.

Because we don’t tell our sons all this, they continue to expect that their wife will automatically give up the job / promotion / transfer in favour of the family whereas they will never have to take a step back from their own careers.

After all, they *‘allow’* their wives to work, what more do they want

*Let us not only empower women, but also prepare men to set their expectations right*

Komal Shaonak

Asst. Professor, Mechanical Department

I believe that a society where its women do not feel secure and respected is not worth calling a society. Women play a very vital role in human progress and have a significant place in the society. They are capable of sharing all the responsibilities of life. Man and woman have been rightly compared to the wheels of the same carriage.

Napoleon said: “Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation.”  The progress of nation depends upon the way the mothers bring up their children. If the mothers are educated, the whole society will progress. 

Women had been great saints, scholars, poets, writers, reformers and administrators.  Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations. 

“When women are empowered and can claim their rights and access to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, economies grow, food security is enhanced and prospects are improved for current and future generations.”

Happy Women ’ s Day!!

Ayushi Nigam

HOD CS Department

“The world needs strong women who will lift and build others. Who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce; women of indomitable will.”

Happy International Women’s Day 2020!

Nayanshi Mishra

Faculty CS Department

“I alone can not change the world. But I can cast a stone  across the water to create many ripples. “

Happy International Women’s Day 2020!

Shraddha Bajpai 

Faculty Mechanical Department

One Comment to “International Women’s Day 2020”

  1. A salute to all the women in the world.. A great initiative by the organization…

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