Inauguration of Advance Technology Lab
Advance Technology Lab was inaugurated by Shri Ajit Singh Pal (Minister of State for Electronics & Information Technology). At this moment all authorities of Vision group was present.
What do you call a place with 3D Printer, Drones, Latest Computer Systems running cutting edge technologies? A room with Artificial Intelligence Machines, small systems developed on Arduino or Raspberry Pi kits, all placed around dedicated Robots & Automated Machines? At VIT we call it Advance Technology Lab!
ATL is an effort to create an environment of scientific temperament, innovation, creativity among our students. It is a step towards a new India.Since the last few decades, our education system has seen a paradigm shift. Today, with this approach of inculcating Hands on Methodology in the current education scenario we have resolved to have this place to assist the students.
ATL lab will be instrumental in teaching students essential 21st-century skills which will help them in developing their professional and personal skills. Skilled India is the need of the hour and each step taken this dream should be welcomed and we should work towards it together for a better India.
Obstacle identifying Robot

One of the major requirements on Industry 4.0 is automated warehousing & floor space management. This robot not only identifies obstacles, it also recognizes them to upgrade the inventory, check on floor management, and prevent any accident..”
Technology Used
: IoT, Machine Learning & AI; based on Arduino Uno, Motor shield & Ultrasonic sensors
Components Used
Arduino Uno, Motor shield. Ultrasonic Sensor, Battery, Geared Motors, Servo Motor, Jumper Wires
Uses of Obstacle identifying Robot
Shop floor or Warehouse management , Industry 4.0, Smart dust bin, Medical & Health Care, Inventory management etc.