Vision Institute of Technology, Kanpur
- What is state transition matrix write its properties. Derive its expression in time & Laplace domain.
- A multivariable system is described by the following differential equation
- Define state variable & explain its importance & use in mathematical modelling of system.
- Explain controllability of the system.
- Explain eigen vector.
- What are advantages of state space techniques? For the given transfer function obtain the dynamic equations.
4. For the following state equation , determine the transfer function.
- Define state , State Variable, state Space & State Vector.
- Construct the state model for a system characterized by differential equation
give block diagram and signal flow graph representation of state model.
- Obtain the time response of the following system.
where U(t) is the unit step occurring at t=o and XT(0)=[1 0]
- Write the condition of a system to be controllable.
- A linear time invariant system is characterized by the state variable model. Examine the controllability and observability of the system.
- A system is described by the following differential equation . Represent the system in the state space.
- For the following state equation, determine the transfer function Y(s)/U(s) Where u(t) is a unit step occurring at t=0 and XT(0)=[1 0]
- What is state transition matrix? Write its properties. Derive its expression in time and Laplace domains.
- For the following state equation, determine the transfer function between Y(s)U(s) according to the formula: