It is our primary mission to provide Authentic & Holistic Education to develop citizens for tomorrow.
CCLD, Vision Group of Institutions
VIT is an institution built on values and with an emphasis on character. We will build foundational academic knowledge which is essential to learn and develop skills that allow young professionals to be successful in the 21st century workplace. We must simultaneously cater to the sacrosanct job of building a growth mindset, of developing resilience and grit amongst our students, to allow them to prosper in the highly competitive world. We understand the need to focus on intentional development of leadership, entrepreneurship, strong character values, and self-awareness through our own programs like Innovation & Research Cell, Entrepreneurial & Start-up cell, and most importantly through Centre to Character & Leadership and Development (CCLD).
In recent years, character empowerment has been emphasized in education from primary school all the way up to higher education and even professional life. Producing students with good morals, ‘soft skills’ and ‘skills for life’ is magnified as an important aim of teaching. In practice, facilitating both character empowerment exercises as well as the national curriculum is a difficult juggling act. One element often falls by the wayside and there is not a clear way of countering the imbalance. More often than not, character education is the forgotten element.
“Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Adolescence is a time of personal, academic, and social growth and VIT will support all of its students through a safe and supportive community. Students learn and live in a community of like-minded, supportive, and open-minded peers and adults.
- Inspirational: A place in which adults and students create a community which motivates each other.
- Supportive: A challenging, safe, and supportive environment which views failures as learning opportunities and encourages personal, academic, and social growth.
- Like-minded: Talented, active, open-minded students with high potential come together to create a community, regardless of demographic differences.
- Global: Exposure to different cultures, personalities, and ways of life through learning and living together.
- Life-Long Support: Lifelong friendships, formed by having fun and overcoming challenges together, will create a VITs alumni network which will be dependable and supportive.

Our mission is to provide a world-class education for active students from the region and beyond, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds.
Contribute to developing young people with the potential to grow into shapers who will demonstrate:
- Ethics: a set of moral principles based on moral courage, respect and humility – stemming from the belief that there is worth in all individuals.
- Excellence: a holistic personality that is exceptional in one or two areas – fueled by inner drive, curiosity, and resilience.
- Entrepreneurial leadership: a drive for improvement powered by high aspirations, initiative and risk taking, and inspiring others.
- Civic engagement: a commitment to improve one’s community based on gratitude, care for others.
Character is a broad and complex family of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are recognized and encouraged across cultures for the values they cultivate in people and society. Experts round the world have arrived upon six classes of virtues, that make up of 24-character strengths. At CCLD of Vision Group of Institutions we have selected seven-character traits which we will strive to reinforce in all of our students. These include Curiosity, Gratitude, Grit, Leadership, Resilience, Self-control, & Social Intelligence.
Educational success, attendance, and positivity correlate with ‘strength of character’. Thus, it is a big plus if colleges successfully educate their students in ‘character’ as well as helping them achieve good grades. In practice, it is evident that the former directly affects the latter.
Our team is composed of professionals from a variety of backgrounds. We are a community of learners devoted to VIT’s cause of providing the best education possible to individuals of character, regardless of their economic background. Apart from teaching their own subject, tutors take upon themselves the role of dorm-parents, mentors, advisors, sport trainers, and organizers of co-curricular activities.