Control System-1 Past Year University Question of Unit-1

    Vision Institute of Technology, Kanpur


  1. Explain open loop and closed loop controls with the help of suitable examples.
  2. Discuss the effect of feedback on the following :
  3. Find the transfer function of the system shown in the 1 using Mason’s gain formula.
  4. Explain block diagram reduction technique to determine transfer function of a complicated
  5. Define the following
    (a) Node loop     (b)   loop gain    (c)  path   (d)      forward path


  1. Discuss the effect of feedback on the following 2011-12
    overall gain            stability       noise & disturbance
  2. Compare the open loop & closed loop control system
  3. Find the transfer function for the system whose block diagram representation is shown below.
  4. Define the following
    (a) Node loop     (b)   loop gain    (c)  path      (d)   forward path        (e) non touching loop
  5. Write notes on    (a) control valves     (b)  RTDs                     


  1. Draw the electrical analogue of the mechanical system of fig. shown below.
  2. Find the transfer function of the system shown in the 1 using Mason’s gain formula.
  3. Draw the signal flow graph of the given block diagram & find the transfer function.
  4. How many types of feedback are there ? explain the advantages & disadvantages of each.
  5. What is the role of Sensors & encoders in control system . Explain the construction & principle of operation of potentiometer.


  6. Compare between open loop and closed loop control system.
  7. What is techo generator?
  8. What is the general effect of adding a pole to the forward path transfer function?
  9. Define the following SFG terminology  (1) Forward Path  (2) Loop  (3) Self Loop     (3)   Non touching Loop
  10. Determine the transfer function of the system shown in fig
  11. Discuss the effect of feedback on stability of the system.
  12. Determine the overall transfer function of the given system below using block diagram reduction technique.


  1. Distinguish between open loop and closed loop control system.
  2. Write the analogous electrical elements in FV analogy for elements of mechanical translational system.
  3. What sre the basic properties of signal flow graph.
  4. What is servomechanism?
  5. Determine the transfer function C(S)/R(S) of the system shown in fig

  6. Derive the transfer function for the armature controlled DC servo motor.
  7. What is role of sensors and encoders in control system? Explain the construction and principle of potentiometer.


  1. Define transfer function.
  2. Define non-touching loop
  3. Determine the transfer function Y2(S)/F(S) of the system shown in fig

  1. Find the overall gain of the system whose signal flow graph is shown in fig.

  2. Draw a signal flow graph and evaluate the closed loop transfer function of a system whose block is shown in fig.


  1. Compare open loop and closed loop control systems.
  2. Define transfer function.
  3. Give Mason’s Gain formula.
  4. Write the analogous electrical elements in force voltage analogy for the elements of mechanical translational system?
  5. Why negative feedback is invariably preferred in closed loop system?
  6. Obtain the transfer functions of the mechanical systems and the analogous electrical circuit shown in the figure below:

  1. Reduce the block diagram shown below to a single block and find the overall transfer function.

  1. Determine the sensitivity of the system given in the figure below with respect to feedback path transfer function at = 2.0
  2. A unity feedback system has an amplifier with gain Ka=10 and gain ratio G(S) = 1 / S(S+2) in the feed forward Path. A derivative feedback ,H(S)=SK0 is introduced as a minor loop around G(S).Determine the derivative feedback constant ,K0 ,so that the system damping factor is 0.6.
  3. Determine the overall transfer function from the signal flow graph shown in figure using the Mason’s gain formula.



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